mercredi 6 avril 2011

Why Codo Sophia ?

I'm doing programming as a job and philosophy has been a hobby for the last 10 years. During all those years I couldn't help but noticing the fundamental similarities between the work of philosopher that tries to put the world into more or less abstract concepts, and the work of a programmers that tries to model a specific problem into classes, objects and properties.

It only occured to me quite recently that this was no coïncidence :  greek philosophers (mainly Aristote) created basic logic, upon which all reasoning should be based but also upon which computers and all programming languages are built, as well as the notion of categories and properties which are today's main tools for structuring code in object oriented programming.

But, as philosophy is only a hobby, I didn't feel quite legitimate to say out loud that this was an interesting or even relevant point of view. That was until University of Oxford decided to create this courses.

This blog is aimed to be a place where the sets of methodologies, thinking and conceptualization found in philosophy and programming mix. It will try discuss how things learned as a computer scientist could benefit to subjects regularly discussed from a purely philosophical point of view (such as political, moral or ethical issues), as well as the opposite.

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